Gigi Rodgers

Decent Human Being
Shanghai, China


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  • "This is so impressive. The fact, especially, that he doesn't use any electrical tools, but still does it the traditional way. This is a tedious task, that takes a LOT of discipline and attention to detail. I appreciate the crap out of people like this. I wasn't expecting the "scraping" effect to make the "paper". The colors seemed even more vibrant. Gorgeous, gorgeous work..."
    on: Japanese Craftsman Demonstrates Intricate Marquetry Technique
  • "Natsuki's reminds me of that moment in Children of Men (the movie), Eden Lew's makes me want to fulfill my dream of being Parker from the TNT series Leverage, and Marianna's is so incredibly thoughtful and bigger picture thinking. This is a REALLY GOOD round up of talent and ideas...and seriously, I want to tinker with Eden Lew's thesis piece (if it works) - haha!"
    on: SVA's Parallel Times Exhibition
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