Gaston Barouille

Rockville, MD, USA


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  • "Last picture shows how useful is that use case....How could you access to the bottom of the screen? Maybe they have to sell this product with some kind of clothing kit :D . Many designers are sooo snob and out of reality/lack of market touch that ends doing waist tables for your "in fly lunch" than real innovative devices. Looks like Mr. Saunders went to a mold factory not long time ago and discovered this "amazing and innovative style". Let's see how many customers will stick with this ;P . I guess he couldn't go wrong, after all he is an incredible and famous designer..... This world went totally crazy....I can't believe the amount of money that ASUS put on this. Who will pay for all of this? Are this kind of products profitable? "
    on: Industrial Designer Phil Saunders Explains Design of Unusual ASUS Tablet Carry System
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