Evan Ward

Chicago, IL, USA


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  • "Geraint, yeah, I looked at that Alibaba posting. I wondered if the Chinese even really knew the purpose of your design."
    on: Flotstealing: What's Going On with This Design Knockoff?
  • "I had a design stolen by the factory that was making my housewares product. A 'U.S. company' just bought it from the factory showroom in China; a line-up of goods that were 'available for sale'. I approached the U.S. company and they agreed to cease and desist, but since they had ordered a large quantity of the 'crappy cost reduced' version of my design, it popped up on Amazon the  next year. I complained to Amazon, and it remarkably, it went away. I bought one of the knocked off versions to check it out-- it was barely functional. Just know that whatever you make in China will be knocked off and sold around te world if possible."
    on: Flotstealing: What's Going On with This Design Knockoff?
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