David France

Founder and Chiropractor, Workhorse Saddle Chair
Sydney NSW, Australia


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  • "Hi Frederick,  thanks for checking out Rain's article and the Workhorse Saddle Chair. I realise the idea of a saddle chair is not new, though when I reviewed the market looking for a solution for my patients over 20 years as a Chiropractor couldn't find anything that did the job the way I wanted anatomically, in a way that is comfortable and looks good.  Here's the spiel from our FAQ's on our website as we've had a range of questions about how the chair is different from other chairs on the market.  Bottom line though is i'm a fan of any chair, desk or product that helps people change the way they sit as regular chairs don't cut it and force the body into terrible posture causing a whole raft of health issues.  David France (founder and Chiropractor) How is the Workhorse different from other saddle chairs?  The Workhorse chair in terms of function, comfort and style is quite unique. The patented chiropractic contoured base provides unmatched comfort and support while sitting. Most saddle chairs are uncomfortable over time and place particular pressure on the male genitals and pudendal nerve. Great care has been placed in eliminating this shortfall.The Pro and Plus models also have a changeable back and armrest. The patented rotating armrest provides two very different sitting positions and essential timeout for the large muscle groups.Finally the sleek designer finish of the Workhorse means it will fit in with your own style and interior design."
    on: New Ergonomic Chair Design Based on Horse Saddles
  • "Thanks for the article Rain.  That research from Gokhale is really interesting and makes sense from an anatomical point of view.  After seeing my patients suffer for 20 years as a Chiropractor, I realised I had to do something to change the way the world sits as it's simply wrong.  I couldn't find anything on the market to do exactly what I wanted so launched into my own design, testing and prototyping.  It's been a 5 year journey and feeling I have finally nailed the science, design and comfort on the version we've released to Kickstarter and orders are coming in from 15 countries so far, so back pain sure is a global issue!   Thanks again.  David France (founder and Chiropractor)"
    on: New Ergonomic Chair Design Based on Horse Saddles
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