"Hey Andrew! I'm glad you like the cycle I outline. I also like that you made me take out my dictionary.
Process: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve an end
Method: A particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, esp. a systematic or established one.
Method does have a "softer" feel...more open ended. But I use "process" because it implies reliable repeatability... something that business often like to feel. Note the words "achieve an end"...process is more directed. That may be a minus and a plus.
And you're very right about having clear, tangible deliverables at the end of each phase. In fact, I'd argue that this is the *purpose* of phases! Taking a pause to look back and forward and having a "real thing" to look at...even if it's a poster on the wall..is invaluable."
"I totally agree with the jaded corporate designer...storytelling is a retrospective process...you look back and decide what you want to project forward. You edit, pick and choose...and you might have to rework a diagram or drawing to tell that story better."
"I totally agree with the jaded corporate designer...storytelling is a retrospective process...you look back and decide what you want to project forward. You edit, pick and choose...and you might have to rework a diagram or drawing to tell that story better."