Dahlia Pham


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  • "*then = thanCan't edit my comment!"
    on: The Problem with Joybird's Affordable Mid-Century-Modern-Inspired Furniture
  • "To clarify, DWR are aware that their name may sound ironic because it's not accessible in a consumer price point of way. But at the time of their founding, they picked the name because designer furniture was only accessible through trade shows and show rooms, not through a brick and mortar store. They're basically the Bergdorf Goodman / Saks Fifth Avenue of furniture, super pricey stuff (physically) accessible for wealthy pedestrians. But I agree that at some point, paying thousands of dollars for a still manufactured piece of furniture is pretty outrageous. It would be different if the furniture was vintage and out of production. While Joybird would benefit from a better copywriter, I would rather pay a fraction of the price for a mid century modern style credenza, then fork out the full $8000."
    on: The Problem with Joybird's Affordable Mid-Century-Modern-Inspired Furniture
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