Charles Valihard

New Jersey, USA


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  • "  At first I was skeptical when I read the title of this article, I didn't see the "modern problem" of the doorbell. The doorbell doesn't appear to have any flaws or serious issues but that's the problem isn't? Because of the lack of flaws there is a lack of innovation and therefore the product has remained the same since its conception. The doorbell is the epitome of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".  What this couple has done, which I believe is ingenious, is create a problem.   Before reading this article I always associated the word "doorbell" with the traditional brass bell, even with the hi-tech bells being an option. However after reading this article I am now actually teetering on what type of doorbell I am associating with the word and this is for one reason, the design of "Ding". "Ding" incorporates both the new and the old into it's bell. It's hi-tech but doesn't present itself as such, I believe this is due to the simple and similar design the push button has to a current doorbell. Personally this does it for me, it clearly is a new and improved doorbell with its inter connectivity to a smartphone (Something everyone uses and has on them at all times) but it doesn't stray far from its roots. I can see this becoming the norm to have in the future and I can see myself having one down the line."
    on: Ding Hopes to Solve the Modern Problem of Traditional Doorbells
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