Christopher Armstrong

Author & Designer
California, USA


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  • "The Maker Movement hasn't ended, it's just begun. My guesses are that:A) These spaces you are referencing are not located in areas that are high in entrepreneurial activityB) Many folks are getting caught up in the current 'hot trend' of 3d printing — buying up or leasing printers themselves, or contracting out service bureaus to do all the workC) They are not being run by sound businessmenThere are a few Makerspaces that are doing quite well out here in Southern California, with current talk of a franchise-model expansion across the USA. The two most notable examples are Urban Workshop and Vocademy, which both use a monthly membership and offer classes taught by real-world industry professionals to generate revenue. They are both featured in my book The Maker's Field Guide, along with a whole slew of other information that would make any true maker rejoice:"
    on: Why are Makerspaces Dying? Can Designers Bring them Back to Life?
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