Bridget Means

Graphic and Product Designer
Charleston, SC, USA


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  • "really? "In the clients defense"? Do you personally know this client or know the amount of research that was done to create their logo? So upsetting when even designers can't get behind other designers. But I guess we live in a world where you can sue anyone and it's guilty until proven innocent. SHAMEFUL. Serious designers work very hard to create the best and most unique work for their clients. Why is this even in question? "
    on: Modern-Day Logos That Look Awfully Similar to Older Logos From Different Companies
  • "Funny story: after spending months creating a perfect logo for a client (bmf in New Orleans)... and building their website, promo, etc... The client sued me because they said the logo looked too much like the British Motorcycle Federation's logo (also bmf). Of course I had never seen the other logo (both were lowercase san-serif red letters that touched), but regardless of the truth (they didn't like my partner who was my "bad-cop"), certain people are just litigious idiots. My motto now - tell this story to every new client and gauge their reaction. (Hi Rain! Long time!)"
    on: Modern-Day Logos That Look Awfully Similar to Older Logos From Different Companies
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