Bradley STrong

New York, NY, USA


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  • "Really? I thought about purchasing the 3 day ready to ship piece but I if it takes over a month then forget about it. I once purchased a chair with them and it took 6 + months to be delivered."
    on: The Problem with Joybird's Affordable Mid-Century-Modern-Inspired Furniture
  • "Does this happen to everyone? I ordered a chair and it took greater than 6 months to receive it. However, I have had it for 2 years now and it seems to be off pretty good quality.  I am on the market now for a love seat and really like the Joybird ones; however I do not feel like waiting more than a month or two. Who else makes furniture with in these price ranges and nice designs? I noticed there is a new company called A2B that comes up, but I have no idea if they are junk or not."
    on: The Problem with Joybird's Affordable Mid-Century-Modern-Inspired Furniture
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