"Apologies, I didn't see the banner that stated this was a sponsored post. That said, an acknowledgement of sponsorship in the first paragraph is a nice way to open branded content for the current up and coming generation. "
"Consider leading with the fact that this is branded content. Love squarespace as a platform, but the article is less appealing as you come to understand that it is branded content without being informed from the beginning of such. "
"Except that a Cintiq is a $3000 pen display with functionality, and this is a $3000 standalone computer with Cintiq functionality. The fundamental difference is that this will be capable of doing the work you need to do out of the box, and a Cintiq will take another $1500 to get a rig powerful enough to do what you want. I think this is a brilliant step in the right direction for Microsoft. Microsoft has always made tools, they are now figuring out how to make tools for creatives, and boy are they close to having it set. "