"The problem with the MV1 is it wastes a seat. If three people want to ride in one cab, one must be disabled. Otherwise it's a two person vehicle and I think the design of these taxis is to be usable all the time, not just for disabled persons. Also a manual ramp is probably less prone to breakage, but I don't see why the MV1's ramp couldn't come out manually if the motor broke anyway (there should definitely be a manual option) so that's not a big deal.You make a good point with the riding over the axle position being uncomfortable. I wonder if it's the same for all cars, including these boxy styles, and if there's a solution.Aren't there vans where the middle seats fold down? Couldn't NYC just use that and incorporate those hooks into the floor? All you would need is a ramp in that situation and the MV1 has a pretty good position for that (again, as long as it _can_ be done manually if needed)."