Bert Vanderveen

Enschede, Netherlands


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  • "The original Lindberg-hinge (that spiral-like one) has become such a classic that it is quite often wrongly used in period movies and tv-shows. Eg in an episode of Agents of SHIELD photo's from the forties of an evil genius nazi scientist show a guy with which are clearly Lindberg framed glasses. Made me laugh…BTW I have owned them, but have no use for them anymore b/c of Lasik."
    on: Unique Eyewear Hinge Designs from Architect-Founded Brand
  • "ARCO supplied Apple with tables for Apple Park and Apple Stores. Great company.BTW There are even thinner tables, but they are not done in wood, eg Maarten van Severen designed a table made of aircraft grade aluminium with an internal tensioning system where the top is less than an inch thick."
    on: These Tables are So Thin, They Almost Qualify as Optical Illusions
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