Ben Blackhall

Brisbane QLD, Australia


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  • "I broadly agree with what you're saying, our conceit as designers is often to not fully consider (and consult) the end user as to what their specific needs are. As alot of design is a matter of compromise what may seem like a deal breaker or illogical design to us might prove "handy"/realistic/practical in the field.In this case they may have prototyped and deemed the stability from a wide base worth any possible awkwardness when standing up."
    on: What is the Shop Chair Version of an Aeron?
  • "This sort of design strikes me as working aesthetically in the mind of the designer (who is imagining many of the same object in pristine condition with no random objects or dirt), but not in the real world with all the factors you mentioned mentioned.TLDR: seems naively designed."
    on: Yea or Nay on This Design for a Storage Object: The "Acrylic Wall Pocket"
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