"I have to admit before reading this article, I thought that making useless products was a waste of time, money, and resources. I still think that much of Americas companies do waste a lot of their time making, marketing, and selling useless products in order to make profit. But after hearing about what Simone is doing, maybe there's a better approach to making a bunch of useless gadgets. So much of today's world is filled with useless items and gadgets, that have no purpose to anyone besides for another way to make money for someones bank account. And the truly sad thing is people feed into these products like mindless consumers always searching for the next new and life changing product. Only to be weaseled and tricked by a clever sales person to buy the new and improved gadget for the low two payments of $9.99 and finding out it's not exactly what they thought. In my contemporary issues in design class we talked about how so much of today's market is filled with useless products and technology. These big wig companies seem to push out products faster than they can realize what the benefits are. They're so focused on trying to revolutionize the world, that it seems like engineers and designers are pushed to try and put everything they know and seen into one simple thing. It doesn't work like that, you can't put touch screens and hands free on every product you sell. Even worse these companies don't seem to think about the risk or harm these products can do to people or the economy. I see this taking effect all around America, with no human interaction check outs and cashiers popping up in almost every grocery store and now even fast food counters. I understand it's use, its faster for customers, its suppose to make things easier and these touch screen robots aren't suppose to screw up. The thing people tend to forget is that humans created these devices and like always humans are flawed and so are the things we make. many times these machines have malfunctions during the users operation of them, making it extremely irritating and time consuming for them. The major concern is the elimination of human interaction and the loss of jobs. For many big companies its easier to repair and pay someone to fix machines than it is for them to actually pay a worker. They eliminate hard working peoples jobs because why not everyone loves technology, why not implement that into everything we do?I find it super interesting the way Simone goes about her robotic work, She creates all these robots not because she wants to sell or make profit off everything she invents, but because she actually enjoys doing what she does. I totally agree with her statement about how no one questions when people today spend hours on ends on social media, but all of a sudden people tend to think your crazy and foolish if you spend your time making things that have no purpose or have not yet found purpose. Now I totally agree with Simone's approach to making useless robots or products, but when companies start to do this and start trying to make big money it begins to get out of hand, there's already a bunch of useless products out there already. Just a little bit ago Samsung phones did something along the lines of this. They were releasing their newest samsung note phone to compete with the releasing of the iphone 7. Samsung decided to rush their design and engineering and all hell broke loose after they released the phone. All around the world their phones were com-busting and exploding. They eventually had to call back all of the phones and they had to go back to the drawing boards, it was useless. They spent so much money, time and resources on something that wont even be used. If they would have made the product and tested it before hand seeing what the flaws were and what was working, than maybe the phone would have turned out to be a success. That's why Simone's process works, she invents robots for the pure fun of inventing and she knows most of the robots she makes are useless, but every so often her robots might actually have a better purpose than what she thinks. her robotic tooth brush was one of those inventions, at first just being a joke, but come to find out thousands of people were telling her that it could actually help people with mobility disadvantages. Its amazing and just down right awesome, Simone says it best "go home and build some useless things, because than you might build some useful ones". Companies and people need to take the Simone approach to creating and design new gadgets and products. and instead of just pushing out one more useless product out into our economy in order to hit it big, they should start coming up with a bunch of ideas and theories and prototypes until they stumble across something that just might be useful to people. "pursue what you're enthusiastic about and your work will be much more productive and interesting""