Patrick Flynn

United States


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  • "Agree.  The body form and tall rear view mirror mounts create the illusion of a snail about to swallow a thin mint cookie whole."
    on: ElektroLeder: The New Fashion of our Imminent E-Future
  • "Looks like hydraulics could be incorporated between the form and truck bed.  That might help with the fine maneuvering."
    on: An Ingenious, Sustainable Way to Quickly Build Tunnels That Will Last Forever
  • "And what about spilled beverages?  Look out below!"
    on: Airbus' Funky "Mezzanine Seating" Concept
  • "The cabin floor is instrumental to carrying the passenger loads.  Raising the passengers weight above the floor will require additional structure.  That, in turn, will raise the aircraft's empty weight.  However, there might still be an attractive trade there if the planes overall length can be significantly reduced.  That would take other weight out and lower the planes total surface area thus reducing overall drag.  But what would they do with the "D" cargo containers?  A shorter plane would carry fewer of them.  Design, it's all about the trades...."
    on: Airbus' Funky "Mezzanine Seating" Concept
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