Alex Thinks

San Francisco, CA, USA

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  • "I wanted to copy and paste the phrase "Brad Pitts furniture designs circa 2012" into a search engine to view the designs, but you IDIOTS have disabled the ability to copy and paste! Its a major design feature and convenience of all web pages. You design EXPERTS??? have made your webpages a pain in the butt on purpose??? What is wrong with you????"
    on: Concrete and Cast Iron Cannabis Accessories by Houseplant
  • "When I tried to right click and highlight the words in the article "the EDC market" so I too could figure out what EDC is an acronym for, I discovered you can't right click and copy ANY words from any article. This site is all about design. Why would you go out of your way to make it more difficult to use?"
    on: Forthcoming "The History of Turntable Design" Book 
  • " following is a good example of how skewed reporting on graduation rates can get, It outlines fraud in Texas."
    on: Shocking Infographic of American High School Graduation Rates by Geography
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