Adrian B

North Carolina, USA


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  • "I came to say the same thing as Kevin. It's a bit disappointing that Core77 is promoting what appears to be a ripoff. "
    on: <b id="2d892d_3297">JUISIR—Juicing Without the Mess</b>
  • "Oh, wow. I think the lead photo on this story is an Erba Cycles bike, which are made by my friend Randall. He has been at American Field in the past so it would make sense. "
    on: American Field's Pop-Up Shops Promote U.S.-Made Goods
  • "Parents should just clean the pacifier with their mouths. I'm not sure 'truly clean' pacifiers should be the goal. Some germs are helpful. "
    on: Doddle POP: The Truly Hygienic Pacifier
  • "A similar type of shoe called 'pogo shoes' or 'jumping stilts' have been out for a number of years. They use a bow-shaped spring (which is more efficient at story energy than the rubber extension springs he has). The Bionic Boots also look sort of ungainly to run in. The power stilts looks more fluid to me."
    on: Bird-Biology-Inspired Bionic Boots
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