"Thank you for encouraging others to donate surplus materials to schools. When a local design company were about to move premises, they had the foresight to offer the school where I work, boxes of headed stationery (which could be trimmed to provide scrap paper) and an enormous stack of A1 paper and card that kept us going for over 10 years. The money saved from not having to purchase these ourselves meant that we were able to replenish other dwindling resources and invest in new equipment which we would not have been able to afford otherwise. We were also offered 'large rolls of coloured paper' from another source (now a regular 'supplier') to which I eagerly said "Yes please!" It took our premises manager several minutes to stop laughing when he showed me the delivery. Our 'source' (like yourself) had donated several rolls of photography studio paper. Fortunately, we were able to saw them in half so that we could squeeze them into the store cupboard! "