Floris Wiegerinck

Studio Rotor
The Netherlands




  • 1 Reader Project Published
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  • "Like the idea! Took a look at their website, and also like their idea for a sideways moving seat (the S3 type) to increase the aisle space during turnarounds. Looking forward to see it in action."
    on: This Clever, Staggered Design Will Make the Dreaded Middle Seat More Comfortable
  • "Good article! In addition: I think that designers tend to underrate the value of unconscious processing of design problems. As you said, sometimes taking some time off makes you solve a problem much quicker than when you would actively be working on it."
    on: No More "Crunch Time": The Value of Taking Breaks During the Design Process 
  • "Thanks for taking the time to share your views on both the Multimobby cart and the Mobby wheelchair. It's good to hear your opinion. My reaction on your comment:The airport (or its suppliers) buy these vehicles and wheelchairs. So yes, they are the customers. And thus, these products will have to work for them as well as their customers, the passengers. When designing for airports, it's always a matter of carefully balancing the needs of the airport, the passengers and the operators. Regarding the auto-brake functionality of the Multimobby: the movie was shot during a prototype test. The brakes have already been reprogrammed, so it's a lot smoother now.Regarding the Mobby chair (from the movie): when they are linked together, there is actually quite some space between the people. Being 1m90 tall, I've ridden them myself and there's more space than in a typical bus, tram or plane. The frame around the feet provides safety and a feeling of safety, so I wouldn't want to get rid of that neither. Anyway, the idea is that the chairs will always be unlinked before people step off, so no one would have to step out sideways."
    on: A Seriously Fun Airport Vehicle for Passengers with Reduced Mobility
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